
Thursday, 31 May 2007

Availability check

I've configured the following scenario in our R/3 (4.7) system. I am using a cash sales order ZBV (copy of BV) without the delivery process. It's required that the order quantity in the order updates the stock level.

According to the documentation the MRP type and the item category determine the requirement type.
MRP Type Z1 and item Category ZBVN use Requirement type 031

The scope of the availability check is determined by the checking group and checking rule
The checking group is 01 - Daily requirements but I don't know which checking rule is determined by the system. Documentation says that it is determined automatically by the system. Which one would be used by cash sales order without a delivery process?

Can you have a look at my config and see if I'm missing something?
Item Category ZBVN

Schedule Line

MRP type in the material master is set to Z1

MRP Type Z1 and item Category ZBVN use Requirement type 031

Requirement type 031 is assigned to Requirement class 031

Checking group 01 is assigned to the material

Which checking rule is being used by the system for my scenario?



Monday, 14 May 2007

Source system Inactive (SDN post)

I've uploaded document B84: BI Connectivity which has a step by step guide to RFC User creation

Friday, 11 May 2007

RFC destination BW could not be created in the source system R3073 (RSOLVED

The answer to the previous question is that passwords need to be in CAPITALS...

Thursday, 10 May 2007

RFC destination BW could not be created in the source system R3073

Screenshots relating to the problem posted on SDN forum

Transaction SCC4 in R/3. Is this correct?

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Billing plan factory calendar special rules (solution)

This is the solution to a problem posted on the blog on the 27th of April
The answer is the following:
In the settings for the Date Determination Rules (transaction OVBS), you can not maintain the Time period/unit and Calendar ID fields simultaneously. You can specify one or the other but not both.

This is specified in OSS Note 830484:
"Also note that period/time unit and calendar cannot be used simultaneously in a rule for the determination of settlement periods (Note 109013). Unfortunately, this Customizing setting cannot be checked already during the entry, since these rules are not used only for the billing plan".
I changed the settings in the IMG as follows

I also changed the billing plan (Transaction OVBI) to include the Date determination rule Z3 in the Next bill. date and Dev.Bill.Date fields (screen below)

Now when creating a contract with start and end date the billing days are what you'd expect:

Friday, 4 May 2007

Implementing SAP R/3 - SD

I've just found a link to downloading the best book on the Sales and Distribution (SD) module of SAP R/3. The book is Implementing SAP R/3 - SD by Glynn Christopher Williams. It is the essential SD guide.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Down Payments with out Billing plans is possible? (Reply SAP SDN)

In response to question: "Down Payments with out Billing plans is possible ?" On the SAP SDN Network

This scenario is for a downpayment of 50% and 11 monthly installements.

Adjust for your own scenario

SPRO Maintain Terms of payment

Give a description to your payment terms

Select the payment terms Indicator

Go to define terms of payment

Enter the payment schedule

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

RRB (Resource Related Billing) Documentation (Reply SAP SDN)

Response to a question posted on the SAP Network Forums

You can download the DIP Profile documenteation here

Billing posting error (Reply SAP SDN)

Response to a question posted on the SAP Network Forums

This is where you maintain posting keys in SPRO

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Variant Configuration

I've added a document, a step-by-step guide on Variant Configuration. Follow this link to download.